Wastewater Visibility News
Job title: Field supervisor
Age: 22
Hometown: Fort Pierce, FL
Pets: One Dog, Daisy
Hobbies: Hunting and fishing
Role model: My dad, because he taught me everything I know and he made me the man I am today.
First job: Equipment operator at Hamilton Ag Service
Lesson from mom that I still live by: “Always be honest and respectful.”
Proudest accomplishment: Starting at the bottom of the company and making it to the position I’m in now.
Favorite movie: “Tombstone”
No. 1 place I’d like to visit: Texas
The only person I’d want to be stranded with on a deserted island: The President, because someone is going to find him.
If someone handed me $1 million: I’d give it to my girlfriend because that’s where all my money goes.
If I were a super hero, my special power would be: Super strength
My motivation to work safe: My family
The coolest part of our trucks: The downhole system
Most over-used phrase on the job site: “Is this going to be sometime today?”
Song title that describes my life: “My life’s been a country song” by Chris Cagle
One word that describes my dancing ability: Phenomenal
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