Most recent article for: certified occupational safety specialist


June 15, 2016
Wastewater Visibility News

Safety Spotlight Why I work safe: For my family and loved ones. I want to return home at the end of my work day the same way I left in the morning.  Safety has been a priority: Ever since I can remember. What piqued my interest in safety: An incident that happened many years ago. My supervisor at the time had built a scaffold that I felt was unsafe. I refused to get on it and he fired me on the spot. Since then I have been interested in workplace safety.  Number of safety manuals I own: Five. My top 5 safety tips are to be cautious while: 1. Be cautious when getting on/off equipment; 2. Look forward, behind, left and right before equipment or vehicle backing; 3. Check carefully for overhead or buried obstructions; 4. Take notice of an overcrowded work area; 5. Ensure Lock out/Tag out procedures are followed. My safety motto: If safety is “common sense,” then we would not need trainers, training programs, safety officers, OSHA, etc… Interesting safety fact: Florida is rated among the top 5 in the nation for employees in the construction industry.  
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