Wastewater Visibility News
Values and Mission in Wastewater Management at USST
A companywide, core commitment to values and mission helps differentiate US Submergent in wastewater management.
Over the past few years, US Submergent and SediVision® founder and CEO, Denver Stutler, has given away hundreds of small folding cards printed with USST’s mission and values. His objective is to help wastewater engineers, utilities managers, contractors, members of the industry’s professional organizations, peers, and prospects know that at US Submergent and its sister company, SediVision, service and safety are prioritized in everything we do.
People receiving the cards often are moved by the clarity of mission and the purposeful way the cards outline the USST commitment to service and responsibility. Frequently they have pointed out that this information should also be listed on our website.
…. We agree! At US Submergent Technologies and SediVision, we recognize that any team can say they prioritize service and safety; the differentiator is when they demonstrate it in everything they do.
This week, we launched a new webpage called “The Mission.” You’ll find the page here: ussubmergent.com/mission-and-values. We invite you to visit the page and learn more about our approach to service, safety, teamwork, and industry excellence.
We don’t simply work for our clients. At US Submergent Technologies, we strive to serve.
Take the Survey on Workplace Values in Wastewater Management
While you are on our page, we hope you’ll spend 30 seconds or so and take our “Values” survey. It’s fun, quick, and anonymous. Click to Submit your answers. Then click to View Results and see what others in utilities and wastewater management think about the same topics.
#WorkplaceValues #mission #survey #WorkplaceSafety
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