Wastewater Visibility News
60-Yards of Tough Rag Material Removed from Splitter Boxes

Access issues had prevented two splitter box structures at a South Florida wastewater treatment facility from being thoroughly cleaned in years. A large amount of accumulated rag material had built up over time, and the structure was experiencing significantly reduced capacity.
The two structures in question consisted of an Auxiliary Secondary Clarifier Distribution Chamber with dimensions estimated at 30-feet by 45-feet as well as a Secondary Clarifier Distribution Chamber measuring approximately 40-feet by 40-feet. These two structures function as splitter boxes for a secondary clarifier at the facility and serve to split flow from the clarifiers to oxidation tanks.

“A drain down was necessary to evaluate and perform maintenance on the structures,” said Michael Kisling, USST Foreman on the project, “but once the water level was lowered, it was clear that the estimated 6-to-8 feet of rag and debris material was going to be difficult to remove.”
The top level of the structures had been cleaned over the years, but rag material had built up due to the depth and position of the debris. The USST crew developed a crane attachment to be used with the Combination3® Truck’s extendable boom to reach and remove the difficult material. Without the innovation of the crew and technology, the quantities of material would not have been possible to access. 60-yards of rag material in total was removed from the site, including other debris such as pipes and even a full-sized metal handrail.

“It was a surprise every time we pulled the crane out of the structures,” said Michael. “We never knew what we were going to find next! I’m proud of the way our crew handled the tough project and the creative way our crew solved the problem.”
If you find yourself with an issue that seems unsolvable, give us a call, we love a challenge! Contact us by calling (844) 765-7866 or email info@ussubmergent.com with any questions you may have or share a comment below.
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